If you require hard copies of any of these policies, please contact the school office.
- Accessibility Plan.pdf
- Anti-Bullying Policy.pdf
- Anti-Radicalisation Policy.pdf
- Attendance Policy.pdf
- Behaviour for Learning Policy.pdf
- Charging and Remissions Policy.pdf
- Child Protection Policy 2024.pdf
- Complaints Policy and Procedure.pdf
- Curriculum Policy.pdf
- Data Protection Policy .pdf
- Equality Information & Objectives .pdf
- EYFS Policy.pdf
- Governor Code of Conduct 2023-24 East Peckham.pdf
- Health and Safety.pdf
- Home-School Communication Policy.pdf
- Low-Level Concerns Policy.pdf
- Mobile Smart Technology 2024-25.pdf
- Online Safety Policy.pdf
- Parent Code of Conduct.pdf
- Privacy Notice for Parents
- Pupil Premium Policy Statement 2024-2025.pdf
- Racial Incident Reporting Policy.pdf
- RSE Policy.pdf
- Remote Learning Policy.pdf
- Safe Collection Policy.pdf
- SEND Policy August 2024.pdf
- Visitor and Volunteer Acceptable Use of Technology Policy.pdf