Forest School
What is Forest School?
Forest School is a great opportunity for children to learn personal, social and technical skills and what better place to do it than in the great outdoors. Children learn to be independent and the activities are very much child led. At Forest School children can partake in many activities, ranging from craft using natural resources to lighting controlled fires and cooking for their classmates. Children can use real tools, climb trees and make dens among many other exciting games. The most important thing about forest school is to help children love being outside and to appreciate their environment.
We go to Forest School in any weather so the children must be dressed to stay warm. We do have some spare all-in-one suits for the children to wear to protect their clothes but you may wish to provide your own that is fleece lined to stay warm. Below is a picture of the sort of things we think the children need. It can be any colour but please make sure that it is named.