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East Peckham Primary School

School Clubs

Our Clubs


Information about clubs change on a regular basis. If you would like more information about our clubs, please contact us.


Some examples of our current clubs are:


- Craft Club

- Board Game Club

- EPS Stars Singing Club

- Swimming Club

- Film Club


Please sign up for our school clubs via Arbor. 


Wraparound care - breakfast club and afterschool club with hot meals provided upon request.


We also have a few clubs run by external companies:


Football Club run by Lee and booked directly -


Karate Class by Sama Southeast Karate on a Tuesday between 3.30pm - 4.30pm. This is run by an external company and must be booked and paid for through them - (01444 461889/07876 617115).


Rock Steady Club where the children learn how to be part of a rock band. The link for their website is below. This is run by an out of school company and you would need to sign up for a space directly with them.



