Open Days
Contact the school office to book a tour with our Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher and come visit us.
01622 871268
Frequently Asked Questions about joining our EYFS
What do they have to eat at snack time?
Children in Reception and KS1 will be given a free fruit snack. The fruit is delivered regularly and can be pears, apples, bananas, raisins, or carrots. You can send your child in with their own snack in case they don't like the fruit choice available that day. Children in KS2 can have their own fruit snack from home which can be kept in their lunch box or bag.
What if they don't eat their they get pudding?
School dinners are available for free for all children in Reception to year 2. Please see the Emma's Kitchen page for more information. Children are welcome to bring in a packed lunch if they prefer. Children will always have their pudding but we do encourage them to eat as much of their lunch as possible.
How many times a week should I read with them/read at home?
The more the better! Reading can help in so many ways in school. We ask for a minimum of 5 reads at home. If your child is just learning to read, reading signs, labels or titles is a good way to start. Reading to children is also important too.
Can they read other books than just their school book?
Children will be given a scheme book when they start with us and will continue to receive a scheme book until they are confident enough to become a free reader. We ask that they read their school book at least 5 times a week however they can read anything that interests them too. We want the children to read for pleasure. We have Bug Club which is an online reading tool where teachers can set appropriate books and check the children's answers to comprehension questions.
Should I send in spare clothes everyday?
A change of clothes will be needed for Forest School incase they get very muddy. If you think your child may need spare clothes for any other reason, please let us know.
What are the class sizes?
We can have up to 30 children in a class but some of our classes are less than that.
Do you do much work in the community?
As a village school, we love to get involved in our local community. We have close links with our community warden, we visit the village library regularly, visit the monument at the church for Remembrance Day, visit the local care homes as well as visit places in and around the village as part of our learning in class.
How can parents get involved with the school?
We have an amazing PTA who organise a range of events such as Fireworks Night, Quizzes, Summer and Christmas fairs and far more!
We also have parent representatives who liaise with our pastoral support advisor, class teachers and parents to build strong feedback links. Our parent representatives also put together a working party to improve the library and make it a more engaging space for children to come and enjoy reading.
Some parents have visited the school to talk about their jobs or experiences in different countries to support the children's learning.
We ask parents to come with us on school trips and some even volunteer to read with children. Other parents have volunteered to improve the garden areas around the school and paint the front fences around the carpark. We are always grateful for all the help to make our school even more amazing!
What support is there if my child requires additional help? (SEN)
We have a Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) who is in school 2 1/2 days a week. She works with parents and teachers to ensure that we have the best provisions for the children in our school. Our Pastoral Support Advisor is also on hand to help with any wellbeing concerns.