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East Peckham Primary School

Safeguarding and Concerns

All staff at East Peckham Primary school are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people.


Please see our Safeguarding, Anti-bullying and Online Safety policies through the link below.

Who are the Designated Safeguarding Leads for the school?


The designated safeguarding leads are:


Mrs Elliott (Head teacher)

Mr Atkins (Deputy Headteacher)

Miss Worrall (SENCo)

Ellie Ray (Business Manager)

Mrs Sinden



contact us at

What is Early Help?

To support families, we can make a referral to Kent Early Help. They can help with a range of issues and concerns including financial support, support for young carers, help with children's behaviour at home or school attendance.


If you think you would benefit from Early Help support, please speak to one of our designated safeguarding leads.


Please look at their website for more information.

Online Safety

Online safety is an important part of keeping our children safe at East Peckham Primary and is something we take very seriously.  This means that we have measures in place to safeguarding pupils from any potential dangers or unsuitable material.  All incidents are recorded and are dealt with accordingly.  


Children are taught through the curriculum how to stay safe and behave appropriately when they are online both in school and at home. 


In order for us to be successful at keeping children safe when online, we regularly share resources and materials with our parents so that they receive the most up to date guidance and can therefore use this information to be able to speak to their children about how to stay safe online when at home.


If you are worried about the way someone has been communicating with you or someone else then please click on the CEOP link below to make a report. When a report is made to CEOP, it is like reporting a crime to the police. It is best to keep all messages or communications that may have been sent maliciously to use as evidence. If you share your concerns with school, we will always ask to see the messages.

If you have any more questions about online safety, please click on the NSPCC link below.