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East Peckham Primary School

Importance of Home Reading

Book Week 2024

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The Masked Reader - 2024

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How often should my child be reading at home?

We expect children to read for at least 5 mins every day. Children start reading and sharing books from our scheme. These can either be books that we send home or through our online library Bug Club


Where do I record my child's reading?

Each child will be given a home reading journal. You can record in there how often your child reads at home, what they are reading and any difficulties they had with their reading. It is always helpful to know if they got stuck on a sound or a word when reading with you at home. 


Are there any incentives to encourage my child to read at home?

Yes there is. We keep count of how many times children as a whole class read across the week and as they read, they get closer to their erm target. If the class as a collective reaches their term target, the children are rewarded with a class treat at the end of term.


What can I do to help my child read at home?

If you need help to encourage your child to read at home or need support with how to support and teach reading, please speak to your child's class teacher who will be happy to help give you some ideas.  We find Bug Club has been really helpful to get children motivated to read at home. 
