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East Peckham Primary School


Curriculum Aims at East Peckham Primary


Building our learning...

adding to our knowledge

Challenging our thinking...

questioning what we know

Creating our future.

becoming masters in our subject


As they progress through the school:
Children know more, do more and remember more
● Children become global citizens who are prepared for life in the real world.
● Children’s views of life are broadened beyond their own, appreciating and valuing differences
● Children understand and value equality
● Children’s learning is progressive and adaptable to their current contexts
● Children’s learning builds upon real life experiences and application
● Children are successful and have pride in their learning


Our curriculum intends to:
○ Provide a broad and balanced education for all pupils that’s coherently planned and sequenced
   towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge for skills and future learning and life
○ Enable pupils to develop knowledge, understand concepts and acquire skills, and be able to             choose and apply these in relevant situations
○ Support pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development including British Values
○ Support pupils’ physical development and responsibility for their own health, and enable them       to be active
○ Promote a positive attitude towards learning
○ Ensure equal access to learning for all pupils, with high expectations for every pupil and                     appropriate levels of challenge and support
○ Have a high ambition for all pupils including those who are disadvantaged, have a SEND need          and from minority backgrounds
○ Equip pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life
○ Promote the learning and development of our youngest children and ensure they are ready for       their next stage of learning


The curriculum at East Peckham Primary school fits our vision. Our curriculum approach is creative and aims to be set in a real life context as much as possible. The learning in the foundation subjects is driven by a well structured and sequenced curriculum, as well as concepts where appropriate so that children have the opportunity to delve deeper and apply their knowledge to a real life context.

Our curriculum aims to celebrate the school’s rural setting as well as appreciating places that greatly contrast the children’s life experiences. We want our children to become global citizens and we therefore place a great deal of importance learning about tolerance and differences. The curriculum is planned around various concepts including: sustainability, community, conflict, responsibility, wellbeing, adversity. Many other concepts are chosen during the planning phase which are most applicable to current affairs, our changing context, the needs of the children in the class as well as the academic content to be covered that term. This gives a great opportunity for children to learn about British Values as well as develop their spiritual, moral, social and cultural education.

Subjects we teach:
○ English (including reading, writing, spelling, as well as phonics in EYFS and KS1 - and LKS2 where required)
○ Maths
○ Science
○ Computing
○ History
○ Geography
○ Religious Education (RE)
○ Physical Education (PE)
○ Design and Technology (DT)
○ Art and design
○ Music
○ Physical, social and health education (PSHE)
○ Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) - French


Each foundation subject (history, geography, art, design and technology, music, art, PSHE, RE and modern foreign languages) has a progression document which shows how children’s learning in one year progresses onto the next and throughout the term - please find out more about this here. This allows children to master their skills and acquire knowledge to then apply them in a range of contexts before they start the next phase of their learning at secondary school.


Subject leaders have designed the progression documents with the school’s curriculum vision in mind and to allow time and opportunities for children to go deeper into each subject.


Some subjects are taught through a scheme, for instance:
○ Maths and Science - White Rose
○ PSHE (including relationship, health and sex education) - Jigsaw
○ Physical Education - The PE hub
○ Religious Education - Kapow

○ Computing - iCompute

○ History and Geography - Connected Collins
○ Art and DT - Kapow
○ Modern Foreign Languages (French) - Language Angels

○ Music - Kent Interactive Music (Charanga)


British Values and spiritual, moral, social and cultural development are vital parts of our curriculum. In order for our children to be global citizens, children need to learn about other people’s lives and circumstances. This is primarily covered through PSHE and RE. The subject leaders use their progression documents to help create long term plans for the school. Teachers are then responsible for medium and short term plans. Parents are entitled to withdraw their children from RE and some parts of RSE, where a request should be made in writing to the headteacher. However, as East Peckham Primary is a school that encourages tolerance and educating our children about difference, we would ask that parents share concerns with us before deciding to withdraw their child. 


To further enhance our curriculum, each class will attend a trip outside of the village and many local visits within the village to help children make links between their education in the classroom and the world around them.


We also have Forest School weekly for EYFS and fortnightly for every other year group from Year 1 to Year 6. In terms 1, 5 and 6, we also have weekly swimming lessons on site to ensure children are confident swimmers and stay safe around water. We also invite speakers and visitors to school to bring their learning to life. This is arranged by subject leaders and/or class teachers.


See our EYFS page for information on how our early years curriculum is delivered.



The impact of our curriculum will be evaluated by how well it meets our Curriculum Vision. The children will have received a broad and balanced curriculum with a range of experiences to help them become global citizens demonstrating motivation, cooperation, resourcefulness, resilience, ambition, excellence, tolerance and respect. The children will have a wealth of knowledge, skills and attitudes that they will take on to their next stage of learning. 


The impact of our curriculum will be gauged by how our children have developed and retained knowledge and skills and how well these are developed and built upon each year. This is reflected in assessment procedures which allow us to measure outcomes against all schools nationally:

  • EYFS % of pupils achieving a ‘Good Level of Development’ (GLD)
  • Phonics Screening Test at the end of Year 1
  • End of KS1 % of children working towards or at the expected standard and at Greater depth in reading, writing and maths
  • End of KS2 % of children working towards or at the expected standard and at Greater depth in reading, writing and maths.
  • Attainment in all subjects for all year groups at the end of the year which is analysed and monitored by subject leaders


Not everything that is important can be communicated by scores and percentages, therefore we value the impact that is made on our learners from our well-rounded curriculum, by talking to all members of our school community and celebrating all successes within. 
