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East Peckham Primary School

School Uniform Policy

School Uniform Policy 


At East Peckham Primary, we feel it is important that children wear a uniform to feel that they are a part of our school team. Providing children with a clean, well-presented uniform enables children to take pride in their appearance and boosts self-esteem. 


We support the DFE philosophy that school uniforms and dress codes play a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of the school and in setting an appropriate school identity.  The School Uniform and Dress Code can:

  • Instil a sense of pride
  • Support positive behaviour and discipline
  • Encourage identity with, and support for, school ethos
  • Ensure pupils of all backgrounds feel welcome
  • Protect pupils from social pressure to dress in a particular way
  • Nurture cohesion and promote good relations between different groups of pupils


The school’s preference is for items which have the school logo and these are available via our uniform suppliers of Monkhouse:


Alternatively, non-branded options may be purchased from other retailers, but we request that they are as close to the branded version in colour and style as possible. 


If you require support for sourcing the school uniform then please speak to the school as we have some re-gifted items from ex-families that we can provide upon request. 


The main school uniform consists of:

  • Grey trousers, shorts or skirt
  • Gold/ yellow polo shirt
  • Dark green jumper or cardigan (with or without school logo)
  • Green or yellow checked dresses
  • Flat black shoes (no trainers apart from outdoor PE)
  • Grey, white or black socks
  • Grey, white, black or green tights


The additional items required are:

  • named water bottle
  • named lunch box (if they are having a packed lunch)
  • Pencil cases only for year 6
  • A small school bag - drawstring bags or book bags are ideal. 


The indoor PE uniform consists of:

  • White or black shorts - cycling shorts are acceptable
  • White t-shirt
  • No leggings or jogging bottoms
  • All items of PE kit, for both indoor and outdoor, must be unbranded (no logos except the school logo) and plain. Please ensure all children come into school wearing their PE uniform on their allocated day


The outdoor PE uniform consists of:

  • White or black shorts - cycling shorts are acceptable
  • Grey or black leggings or jogging bottoms
  • White t-shirt (long sleeve or short sleeve)
  • Light grey sweatshirts - no hoods or zips and without logos except for the school one if preferred
  • White, grey or black socks
  • Trainers
  • All items of PE kit, for both indoor and outdoor, must be unbranded (no logos except the school logo) and plain. Please ensure all children come into school wearing their PE uniform on their allocated day 



In order to keep our children as safe as possible, the Expectations regarding our PE kits are taken from the 2016 edition of Safe Practice: in Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity (The Association of Physical Education). 


  • No hoodies as hoodies reduced visibility and hearing ability. This then increases risk of injury to children. Hoodies present the risk of being caught during the lesson resulting in potential harm to a child’s neck.
  • No zip tops as the zips, when opened fully, can move and blow around which can hit children in the eyes or other areas of the face causing harm. When leaning over in hockey for example, children’s faces are closer to the zip components. When jumping in netball, basketball or any other sport, the zip components can rise up and harm a child.
  • No trainers, plimsolls or footwear of any type are allowed in the hall or on the apparatus. This is because dance and gymnastics are performed safely in bare feet. Less opportunities for laces to get caught in apparatus, children to lose a plimsoll when climbing and therefore lose their grip; and many more issues relating to child safety.
  • No leggings or jogging bottoms allowed as these can cause friction burns when worn on mats and apparatus. They also reduce grip on apparatus and increase the risk of injury through slipping and falling.


Everything we do, we do as a result of guidance from the Local Authority or the Department for Education. We do our very best to ensure we protect children from harm. We manage the risks in PE to ensure children have a fun and safe environment in which to learn.



Hair which is longer than shoulder length or restricts vision must be tied back using understated hair bands in neutral or school colours. Hair must also not be dyed. Children are not permitted to wear nail varnish or jewellery apart from a watch. The use of a watch is also at the school’s discretion, so if it is proving to be a distraction then we may ask for the child not to wear it. This decision is at the headteacher’s discretion. If jewellery needs to be worn for religious or health reasons, please speak to the headteacher. 



Please ensure that all items that come into school are clearly named so we can return them easily. We often find that children have very similar items; this will facilitate the loss of bags, lunch boxes, water bottles, resources, uniform, shoes and coats etc.  

